Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 6754 times)


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2008, 08:18:11 pm »
I can't say i recall my face in dreams, but don't sense that i have paralysis in my dreams (which are wild, vivid, epic adventures). I have had a few times where i am waking and i have a sense that my face has fixed over night, and of course, it hasn't.

Angie, i really liked your post and mind set and am glad that you are recovering still, a little more everyday.

For some reason I am not taking my paralysis so bad, despite feeling like i looked pretty good (even "gorgeous" in my wedding photos of 2 years ago).  I certainly have not had any depression, but have had some down moments. I sure don't spend too much time in front of the mirror (esp working full time and having a 20 month old) other than my regular routine of washing up, mascara etc. I check for movement a few times a day, but it only takes a second to see there is not much going on (but there is a bit of movement in my cheek, but still no sign of my other dimple. and no sign of top left teeth  :'(). I think having a rock star baby girl and hubbie who has been totally wonderful and supportive, along with supportive and accepting friends and work colleauges has helped so much... everybody that knows me still treats me like me, and i feel the same on the inside, even if i don't look the same on the outside.  I also had nasty double vision for a long time and wore an eye patch, so people really looked at me. Sometimes it bothered me a bit (when i was in a bad mood, or just thought "leave me alone"), but mostly i just thought "get a life and stop staring". I didn't know if the DV would fix, and finally at 5 months, my vision is totally back to normal (not counting the ointment blur) and i am just sooooooooo grateful for that to have fixed. I guess we tend to focus on the worst of what we have, for me this was the DV. So now i am still in a big hole, but not so deep. Getting there...

Anyway, i have told my story to many people and i say my face will recover in time, but it could take 6months to 2 years. They are kind of shocked and say how tough i am. I really am a survivor. This won't change that.

Good luck one and all.
Left 2.9cm CP Angle AN discovered Jan 2008. Retrosig surgery June 2, 2008 Toronto, Canada. Facial paralysis and numbness, double vision (4th nerve), SSD. DV totally recovered in 4th month; palsy started to recover slowly around month 7. Had twin boys 13 months after surgery. Doing great.