Things will definitely get bettter for you. I had my surgery in August 2007 and I still have some facial parlaysis on my left side (my mouth still droops & my left eye still can't blink). I am 100% deaf in the left ear and chances for recovery are slim. I will probably have a bone-anchored hearing aid installed after my consultation with my ENT surgeon this coming April. To regain your balance, you'd need to find a PT who specializes in vestibular problems. I gained my balance back after 3 months (20 sessions with the PT on land & in the pool, and inumerous times doing the exercises by myself at home. The hardest ones for me are doing the bunny hop and walking in a straight line with my eyes closed.
Hang in there since things will get better. By the way, if you have emotional problems (anger, depression, opinionated, etc) do not feel bad. A lot of us AN patients have had those issues, myself included. Just hang in there and talk to support groups either on-line or by attending meetings of a local AN Support Group.