Author Topic: New Symptoms?  (Read 3118 times)


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New Symptoms?
« on: November 02, 2005, 08:45:14 pm »
Hi! All,

I just needed to bounce this off of everyone or anyone that is willing to listen(Steph's thread prompted this post).  I feel like ever since I found out that I have AN that I am getting all these new symptoms.  I don't know if I am being hypersensitive?  Or perhaps just more intune to my body?  Or perhaps they were there all along and I didn't properly acknowlegde them?  Is it all in my head or what?  I have to admit I am very anxious about the whole AN thing and probably will be until I go through treatment.

I have had earaches, fullness in my ear, dizziness, balance issues, nausea, eye twitching, and  hearing loss from time to time.

I have to laugh at myself (feel free to laugh at me too ;D ), because I don't know what else to do.  I feel like a hypochondriac.  Is this normal?
left side 2.0cm x 1.3cm  
Cyberknife - 12/2005
The Barrow Institute, Phoenix, AZ


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Re: New Symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 11:54:25 am »
I think that new symptoms can come on fast and are not your imagination. I am coming up on 6th months(I get my 6 month MRI in December) from first symptoms and diagnosis. My orignal symptom was sudden hearing loss over two days. I have a good friend who is a ENT she saw me right a way, and I had a MRI the next day. 12 days from first symptom to diagnosis. At the time I was very greatfull that I found out right away as I read several peoples stories of having problems for years before diagnosis and could see that being me. Since then I have had several new symptoms and I think I would have been diagnosised even if I did not have a ENT friend. About one month post diagnosis my tinnitus that had been very mild got quite a bit louder. I have had the full feeling in my ear since the first symtom. In the last month I have had a constant pain in my right ear, some times a dull ache some times more shooting. From one day to the next some symptoms are more pronounced or subdued but they are always there. Because of the new symptoms I am very interesed to see what the Dec. MRI shows.


4mm x 4mm AN right side
5mm x 5mm watching and waiting


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Re: New Symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2005, 05:38:39 pm »
I found that after my AN diagnosis and surgery I was able to put alot of symptoms together and realize they were all AN related. For me that included eye twitching, dizziness, fullness in the ear, tingling face, pain in the shoulder area and IBS. All of those things are gone since the removal of my tumor.

I definitely think we become more hypersensitive and in tune with our bodies after this.
Surgery June 3, 2004, University Hospitals Cleveland, BAHA received in 2005, Facial Therapy at UPMC 2006


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Re: New Symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2005, 05:20:43 pm »
Hi Shoegirl,
I agree with John & Pembo on this. I think now that you know you have NA you are more aware of your symptoms, where before you may have wrote them off as no big deal. I had symptoms for two years before I lost my hearing, it has returned but my other symptoms have been worse since then. Dr. Brackmann said that even small tumors can have a lot of symptoms depending on the location. The mind is a powerful thing and can trick you, but usually only so much. You know if your ear is ringing, face is twitching or have hearing loss. The good news is we are going to live after this is all over. I know it’s hard to ignore the symptoms but we work to get done and decisions to make. So get your mind set...confidence will lead you on!!!
Bye for now!
4mm x 7mm Left Side
Just Diagnosed


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Re: New Symptoms?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2005, 05:39:38 pm »
Shoegirl: I agree, I think many of the little things that are indeed symptoms of a.n. we tend to ignore before diagnoses and then once we are diagnosed and find out these things are symptoms of being ill we notice them. I never knew pre-diagnoses that I was at 50% hearing loss, I thought nobody could hear while in the bars and dance halls, I didn't use my affected ear on the phone and somehow otherwise I didn't have a problem, post-diagnoses I realised how loud I had the radio in the car turned up (I looked at the volumne knob), I tried to talk on the phone on my affected ear and couldn't. The imbalnce I wasn't aware of, I just was tired etc..... I do agree that we become more in tune with our bodies, pre-diagnoses I knew there was something seriously wrong within my body however didn't know what and I found I have a hard time expressing my symptoms in a way the doctor would understand what I was feeling, as a medical professional I knew the medical terms for what I was feeling but if you go to the doctor and use thier language, espicially as a nurse,  doctors are more likely to figure you a psychosomatic and I knew deep down inside that was what I had likely been labelled as. Try not to "panic" over every little thing you feel just be aware of it and know we all become very aware of our bodies through this experience. Kathleen
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)


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Re: New Symptoms?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2005, 08:09:02 pm »
Thank you everyone for making me feel like I am not out of my mind! ;D  Atleast not today!  I worry about every little thing and I just have to be thankful that I know what I have and take care of it.  Life is never easy, interesting though.  I am having a good day! So I am being optomistic.

Kathleen, you hit one of my symptoms right on the head.  I totally cannot hear in bars or any growded situations.  I thought I was just getting "older" and felt bad having to ask people to repeat themselves all the time.

I was wondering what is normal hearing?  I had my hearing tested and they said it was good?  It was about even in both ears but the right ear has a slight advantage.  Didn't give me any kind of percentage?  Is it measures in dp?  Not sure if that is the right terminology?

Thanks again! Suzanne
left side 2.0cm x 1.3cm  
Cyberknife - 12/2005
The Barrow Institute, Phoenix, AZ