Hi! This is such a great site, very helpful. I just had an MRI last Friday without contrast, which now bothers me because I'm afraid if they don't find anything I will worry it was missed because no contrast was used. I almost did not even get an MRI, I had to insist on it, my ENT said no twice before giving in. My ENT claimed my left sided hearing loss was hereditary after I said I have no relatives with hearing loss. I am only 31 and that seemed perfectly reasonable to him to have hearing loss at my age! This all started 5 years ago after I moved across the country and my ear felt full and plugged up after the trip. Doctors said it was allergies for 5 years throwing everything at me, including every nasal spray on the market in hopes it would unplug my ear. This symptom has been persistent for the whole 5 years. They did do a hearing test 5 years ago, which showed mild high frequency hearing loss in my left ear, but I did not find out till my recent hearing test when they compared the 2 and it showed worsening hearing loss in left ear. About 1 and 1/2 years ago, I started having ringing in my ears, both ears. I have had occassional pain in my left ear and more headaches as of the last 3-4 months. Also, just in the last 3-4 weeks I have had left eye lid twitching which I did not realize was a symptom until I read this forum. I have also had very infrequent dizziness as if I am spinning, which has worsened in the last 6 months. Anyway, so I am very scared and it is taking forever to get the MRI results back, it has been 6 days since I had the test, which I know isn't forever, but it sure feels like it. Now from what I have read, I should have had contrast done so I worry about the accuracy of the test and don't know if they'll order another. Guess I'll wait and see what the results are. Besides getting a second opinion, which I certainly plan to do depending on the results and getting a different ENT (the one I saw was about 70 and did not seem to know what he was talking about) do you have any suggestions for me? Am I just worried for nothing and it may be something minor?