God Luck Rena, We'll be thinking and paraying for you! Before my wife and I decided to have another child which was only a few months after my surgery I remember the doctor informing her of all the higher risks involved for her and our unborn baby due to just her age. Even though they were somewhat small they were still very much there and potentially very serious. We realized all of this before and during the pregnancy and still pursued our goals. This was another challenge that we met and everything turned out fine "Thank God". It's so easy to put worries in your mind and so difficult to remove them but time will heal. I wish you the best and hope everything works out smoothly. Use that faith that you have because that's what gives us all that will to learn, live, love and yes recover! .....Wind 6 I am not a blonde but sometimes I have to check to be sure especially that other night! I don't have any problems with the baby monitor anymore but do have a big snoring beagle problem that I seem to be picking up in stereo even with my good ear on the pillow! Take Care, Steve D