Author Topic: Loud reverberations in good ear?  (Read 4873 times)


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Loud reverberations in good ear?
« on: December 13, 2005, 09:04:29 am »
Any one have any experiences with loud reverberations thoughout your good ear and seemingly entire head following surgery?
I had 2 cm via translab a week ago, and the past few days every meduim to loud noise goes through my good ear like its going through a broken amplifier.  I can't detect any hearling loss, but wondering if this is a start of something?


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 11:19:43 am »
  I thought it was just me! I have had different hearing experiences since surgery.   I have been startled awake at night by loud bangs - in my head presumably because I have checked the house and nothing's disturbed. I haven't noticed them in the daytime.  I also seem to be able to hear my brain settling when I lie down, sort of creaks!  Well, I am 64! I also worry that when I lie on my good side I can't hear house noises and think I'll have to get a dog or a burglar alarm. Does anyone else suffer these strange things? ???
1.5cm. Translab at Manchester Royal Infirmary. August 2005

Cheryl R

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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2006, 04:53:03 pm »
I sometimes hear a phone ringing sound in my sleep. It is so realistic that it wakes me up.   Doesn't happen too often,thank heavens!      I am surprised when wake up and it's not really ringing.
I am 4 yrs post op and am finally getting where only rarely have the metallic taste in the mouth.  Is probably during the past year declined from occ to rarely.      The taste would only on the surgical side which always seemed weird.                           Cheryl R.
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2006, 07:14:11 pm »
For five or six days post op I heard thunder in my whole head, :o  That subsided.  Next I had high and low pitches, then the noises settled down.  Now at two weeks post op, I can change my tinnitus by turning my neck a slight bit to the AN side on the pillow.  I could swear it gets softer.  I didn't worry about the sounds, just called them ghosts of the past.


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2006, 07:19:27 pm »
  I thought it was just me! I have had different hearing experiences since surgery.   I have been startled awake at night by loud bangs - in my head presumably because I have checked the house and nothing's disturbed. I haven't noticed them in the daytime.  I also seem to be able to hear my brain settling when I lie down, sort of creaks!  Well, I am 64! I also worry that when I lie on my good side I can't hear house noises and think I'll have to get a dog or a burglar alarm. Does anyone else suffer these strange things? ???
  It's not just you.  Don't you just love finding out that you really aren't crazy?  Some of the sounds we hear might help keep a sense of humor about it all.


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2006, 07:21:48 pm »
I sometimes hear a phone ringing sound in my sleep. It is so realistic that it wakes me up.   Doesn't happen too often,thank heavens!      I am surprised when wake up and it's not really ringing.
I am 4 yrs post op and am finally getting where only rarely have the metallic taste in the mouth.  Is probably during the past year declined from occ to rarely.      The taste would only on the surgical side which always seemed weird.                           Cheryl R.
Cheryl, It is gratifiying to know there is an end to the strange tastes.  For now I'll just keep eating my steak and ice cream and pretend.  At least I can use less salt.  Everything tastes salty now.


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2006, 08:25:08 pm »
Say something to your doctor about the salty taste........... I was told about it but didn't want to say anything.  I had that salty taste almost immediately after surgery and it never went away, seemed it was a sign for a CSF leak.  Original surgery was January, I went back in May to correct the leak.  Better safe than sorry.   As soon as my leak was discovered, I was hospitalized.  They were afraid I would get meningitis.  I was afraid to  say something because I thought they would have to reopen my  incision in my head.  It was repaired by a new incision behind my ear and the surgerry was Nothing compared to the AN surgery.  Just ask the doc, hopefully I am wrong.
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2006, 08:38:50 pm »

I agree that you may want to mention your salty taste to Dr. Vrabec.  As Static said, there is a good reason to ask about salty taste, although I sincerely hope nothing serious.  I also developed some taste in my mouth for about 10 month after the surgery.  It is, however, a light sweet tatse.  I did mention to Dr. Vrabec, he did not know for sure, but believe that my sensery nerve might be affected.  The light sweet taste went away about two months ago.  Now I have to put sugar in my coffee (just kidding).

Good luck.

2.5cm / Jan'05 / 53 yr
Dr. Vrabec & Dr. Trask / Houston
Excellent outcome and peaceful mind
Praise the lord !


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2006, 12:00:46 am »
Hi, Matt,

I had something similar to your experience. 

There was a good period of time, anything rubbing against my skin near the right (good) ear "could" sound like a thunder (don't remember if it is everytime).  It was loud enough to scare me the first time.  I discussed with my doctor about this, he indicated that some people's good ear did become more sensitive after the surgery.  He did not seem to be much concerned, so I just prepared to live with it.  As time went by, however, I now rarely hear that kind of "thunder" anymore.  Thank God.

This is only one of the strange (not necessary bad) things that I have experienced.  Sometime there was a swish sound as I quickly turned my head to left (bad ear).  If I repeat the same action, or do it intentionally, there was a less than 50% of chance that I owuld hear that swish sound.  Again, the doctor don't have a good explanation for and I don't worry either.

If my alarm clock (with metal bell to make big noise) is at about 4 o'clock position behind me, I can hear the click sound at certain body position, but not if I just move my body a few inches "up".  The clock is still on my right (good) side.  It is hard for me to believe my hearing is so directional, but it is real.

I think it is quite common to experience some thing unusal after the surgery.  Luckily, some of them would go away by itself and/or have little impact to our life.  I do believe, however, we should discuss with our doctor for any of this.

Good luck to your recovery.

2.5cm / Jan'05 / 53 yr
Dr. Vrabec & Dr. Trask / Houston
Excellent outcome and peaceful mind
Praise the lord !

Rc Moser

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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2006, 09:13:43 pm »
Well, IMO you'll hear stuff now you never hurd before. Noise makes my blank ear have an rushing sound, ringing sound. static sound, and undiscribable sounds. The louder the noise the worse it is. In my case this induces MIGRAINE's then any noise is unbareable and now light is like a hot torch. This is a daily struggle for me. I work in Noisey shop and have no choice right now so I have to bare with it. I wear Ear Plug 95% of the time in my good ear due to the magification of sound. Wear plug and muffs at work most of the time.

Even on a somewhat normal day I can't stand clanking of silverware or pots and pans and I'm not even in the room. High pitch noises are the worse for me. Like tin being scraped or chalk on the black board effect, makes me cringe. This is the biggest thing for me to over come and the most aggrrevating. Also I can't tell which way noise is coming from. I ususally look the wrong direction 90% ot the time. This includes a person yelling you got a phone call, cars coming down the parking lot, and any sounds of nature or anthing else.

On a good note My Migraine's seem to be less intense, less often (averaged as many as 2 week), don't last as long. also the rush, hiss, thunder, off radio sound or static seems to be getting less some times when I don't have Migraine's.  I also get the amplified effect in my good ear, sometimes I her things my wife can't and other times I can't hear vearly hear anything with noises in the background.  Two  years and 4 months from my operation. I have to ask for us that had translab did you wake up with the sideway's view?(like everything was tilted 90 degrees to the right being mine was in my left ear) to a few hours for my vision to straighen back upright.
9/17/03, 4.5CM, Translab, OU Medical Center, Dr. (the ear man) Saunders and Dr. B. (the BrainMAN) Wilson  along with about 4 other Doctors that keep me going for 18 hours.


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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2006, 11:03:19 pm »
I had translab December 15.  The first morning in my room as I woke up, I opened one eye and the whole room was sideways.  Then I blinked, put my head up and found the level of the room.  I think this was the first confusion that my foggy brain had to deal with in morning light.  So strange.  But I had some goofy responses to Decadron (steriod) shots they'd given me, too.  So I just chalked it up to the steroid.  I only had this one incident of sideways orientation. 

How much hearing and balance had you lost before your diagnosis and surgery?

Rc Moser

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Re: Loud reverberations in good ear?
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2006, 07:04:35 am »
I had servere pain after being under for almost 18 hrs. or the operation itself ( how long it took to peel every bit of the tumor off my brain and nerves without damaging them). I was on morfin for a couple of days. I think this delayed my recovery time. It took me two days of slowing setting up. When I first did set up What I would call brain freeze effect would hit like a hammer once I layed back down (felt like brain freeze except 8 times worse). I was in the hospital 7 days. IT took me 5 days to be able to stand. Once I could stand and start walking with a walker and had theropy like a stroke patience my balance came back pretty quick, but I was still shakey for about two weeks after. I was able to return to work about 35 days later. I also heard some pretty odds sounds the first couple of days. sounded like a factory was in work in my ear. I'm about 80% IMO right now with still little areas of improvements. Eye blinking and watering some, but get lazy sometimes, have all functions with 8th nerve except lift (no sage can be noticed) eye is just alittle distorted) Operation side don't hurt or tender anymore. Still fight Mirgarine's, but they seem to being getting alittle better. Inside of my left side of my mouth, gums and teeth feel better, but I can still feel alittle tilt. Still have ear noises in the ear they removed, gets worse as noise levels gets louder (can't stand any noise, I ususally wear ear plug 90% of the time). I can say I'm better that two months ago and way better than a year ago. IMO some of use are on about five year recovery plan. Hopefully my 5 year MRI will be good and things close to normal by them.
9/17/03, 4.5CM, Translab, OU Medical Center, Dr. (the ear man) Saunders and Dr. B. (the BrainMAN) Wilson  along with about 4 other Doctors that keep me going for 18 hours.