Author Topic: Visit us, a growing Yahoo group -ANAWAY -acoustic neuroma awareness  (Read 6914 times)


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OUR MISSION:  ANAWAY-AcousticNeuroma_Awareness group has been designed
 for patients, family, friends, or caregivers support, thoughts, views,
 guidance, and perspectives dealing with Acoustic Tumors. Our mission
 is to achieve awareness, education, and emotional support through
 group sharing. We can make a difference in our own health and at the
 same time in helping others!

 DISCLAIMER:  ANAWAY-AcousticNeuroma_Awareness group information or any
 other information given therein, by anyone whatsoever, is for
 educational purposes only and does not constitute a substitute for a
 qualified physician. Medical decisions should not be made solely on
 the basis of this Yahoo!Group. We strongly urge all patients to work
 closely with their physicians when seeking diagnosis, treatment, or
> management of their condition(s).