Hi tdworkin: I hear ya ( pun intended). I work in a hospital - when I'm on a unit & alot of people start talking - geez louise,
it sounds like they've all come over to my left side & are all talking right into the ear. It's a horrible feeling, I start getting
very irritable. Lucky for me, I'm able to get up, go to where it's quiet, & come back to get the info I need later.
I got an MD note that excuses me from large meetings (we have them monthly).
So, I DO work around the noise, thank goodness my job description is such that I'm pretty independent in how I do my work,
as long as it gets done.
It sounds like you have SSD (single sided deafness), & this is how it is. However, you'll find on this forum that others have gotten
hearing aids which does seem to help. I think if my job wasn't so flexible, I would look into the hearing aid more.
I also had a horrible time with sleep - waking up at least 3 times/night. I recently got an Rx. for Trazodone 50 mg - it's a godsend. The 1st night I woke up 3 times,
last night I only woke up once, but got right back to sleep, so it's working. (started taking it this past Tues., 2/26). A co-worker who's a guy & larger than me
(I'm only 5' 1 1/2") takes 100 mg/night.
Well, good luck my friend, Always good thoughts, Nancy