Well, since I've received so much help on this forum, I felt like it was time to step out of denial (after 1 1/2 years), and into reality. Also, I am so fed up with the issues I am facing at work, that I thought 'I think I'd rather have my skull drilled open, then work under these conditions'. I was actually ANXIOUS. I figured I could use the six, or so, weeks off from work to get away from this torment - as I recovered, on my little 'vacation'

. I would finally get some peace of mind as I kissed work GOODBYE!!

So, I go to the doctor today. He reads over all of my reports - from previous doctors. He then gives me this TOTALLY GRIM news...'It's not very complicated anymore. It's actually quite simple. Oh, no - we DON'T NEED to open the skull, we can just go through the ear. You MAY be in the hospital overnight, and you'll be back to work in just a few short weeks...' I thought 'WHAT??


So, if my insurance okays this procedure, I will be getting SIMPLE surgery on June 7th. We ran into something a little unusual - my doctor is covered under my insurance, but the HOSPITAL isn't. I have Medical Mutual SuperMed Plus - and I intend to go to a University Hospital facility. I don't want to go to the Cleveland Clinic due to the resident with the pending assault charges, and I don't want to go to Metrohealth, due to their rudeness. I don't have many options, as it's not easy finding a doctor who has Acoustic Neuroma experience - as the one at University Hospitals does.
Has anyone had any problems with this procedure and their insurance?