They have created a hostile work environment for you by abusing you for having a disability. Sounds like they would cause a hostile situation for anyone, be that person gay, short, fat, skinny, etc. You just happen to be the one most available. This is the social culture of the place you work? I would get the H out of there if I were you. If this is going on, the whole place is sick to the rotten core.
The disability act only deals with accomodations for people with disabilities, and in not discriminating against them in hiring practices.
The act does not have an answer about what to do to people behaving like yahoos towards someone with a disability.
However, the treatment you are experiencing from the staff there is the kind of thing muckrackers love to rake. I mean, this is MUCK. Before you call in the muckrakers (last resort), find out what the procedure is you need to follow to manage this kind of thing. It obviously isn't being managed, or it wouldn't be happening.
Indeed, there must be something in such a large company about dealing with inappropriate and unacceptable behavior in the workplace ( I am in an office of 7 people, and we have one). Get a copy from the HR department. Read it. There will also be a whole chain of command of what to do to address a grievance; speak to your supervisor, speak to that person's supervisor, make a formal complaint to yadda yadda; it is written in a manual somewhere, trust me. Follow prodedure. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING, every comment, every inappropriate behavior, for several weeks, in writing; with dates, times, what was said, who said it. See if you can find another person who will witness these incidents and agree to document them as well. Then you have ammunition.
They don't allow bullying in schools; why does a majorly huge business permit it in the workplace? It is completely unacceptable.
The following factors determine whether a workplace constitutes a hostile work environment: (1) the frequency of the discriminatory conduct; (2) its severity; whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, or a mere offensive utterance; and (3) whether it unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work performance.
So you MUST DOCUMENT it. Get a nice weekly planner (or actually it sounds like you need a daily one with a full page for each) and start documenting., Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
DBTAC – Great Lakes ADA Center
University of Illinois/Chicago
Department on Disability and Human Development
1640 West Roosevelt Road, Room 405
Chicago, Illinois 60608
Phone: (312) 413-1407 (V/TTY)
Fax: (312) 413-1856
Web site: Well, I went back and read some more....seems like you already did everything you were supposed to do. I would still document everything, then get a lawyer and a muckraker and start raking muck.