Author Topic: MRI at 7 months post-CK, Part II, FLAIR Images  (Read 2544 times)


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MRI at 7 months post-CK, Part II, FLAIR Images
« on: March 30, 2008, 06:11:03 pm »
I have a follow-up appointment with my local neurosurgeon this week, so was just poking through some of the pics from my recent MRI.  I called in a few days after the MRI complaining about headaches and hearing loss, and they put me on Decadron 4X daily immediately after reviewing the scans.  Then they called back last week to make sure I was taking the Decadron as directed.  This all has me a little nervous.

I found these FLAIR images on my MRI discs and found out that FLAIR stands for "Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery."

The 7-month image looks to have a lot "stuff" coming out the back, so I'm hoping this is just some excess fluid that will dry up with the stronger steroid therapy.  I am feeling much better this week, and my hearing seems better also.  I hope this is just a bump in the road, but I can't help but wonder if this would even be an issue if I'd been started on Decadron when I first experienced the swelling more than 3 months ago.  I know there are a lot of trade-offs and risks with steroids, so I'm trying not to second-guess too much.

I realize I need a doctor to interpret the scans.  I guess I'm just trying to organize my thoughts and convince myself things are ok.  I think the Decadron just has me a little crazy.  I'll be visiting the doc on April Fool's Day!   :o
2 cm right-side AN, diagnosed July 2006
Cyberknife at Georgetown Univ. Hospital, Aug 2007
Swelled to 2.5 cm and darkened thru center on latest MRI's, Dec 2007 and Mar 2008
Shrinking! back to 2 cm, Aug 2008
Still shrinking (a little), I think about 1.7 cm now, Aug 2009


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Re: MRI at 7 months post-CK, Part II, FLAIR Images
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2008, 10:32:38 pm »
Got good news on the scans from my radiation oncologist:  "... changes in T2/Flair can be seen after radiosurgery.  They are usually alarming in appearance, but frequently temporary."  He could've left out the word 'frequently', but I'll take it as a positive.  Just thought I'd post in case someone comes across something similar.  I guess my immune system is really going after my AN now and is generating a lot of inflammation as it tries to deal with it.  I've had a good response to Decadron though, so hopefully things will get settled down now.

2 cm right-side AN, diagnosed July 2006
Cyberknife at Georgetown Univ. Hospital, Aug 2007
Swelled to 2.5 cm and darkened thru center on latest MRI's, Dec 2007 and Mar 2008
Shrinking! back to 2 cm, Aug 2008
Still shrinking (a little), I think about 1.7 cm now, Aug 2009


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Re: MRI at 7 months post-CK, Part II, FLAIR Images
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 06:39:34 am »
Hi JB,
Sorry to hear you've had a rough time but glad the steroids are working.  You'll have to keep me updated.  I haven't been on the forum as much lately.  After going through treatment, along with other life stressors, I needed a long breather.  After being consumed with this for so long, it was nice to just not think about it for awhile.  But then I had a 2 month MRI.  Honestly, I could have done without this news - it's only slightly larger at 10 mm x 7 mm.  But I would have been fine without this comment - "While most of its features are compatible with vestibular schwannoma, interval visualization of a thin dural tail projected posteriorly from the IAC rasies the possibility of a meningioma, though statistically less likely."  I contacted my radiation oncologist this week and am waiting to hear back.  Either way, I'm glad I had CK.  Hoping it will kill whatever that little alien is in there. 
Meant to include my initial MRI and follow-up MRI mentioned FLAIR hypersensitivities "likely due to premature microvascular damage or migrane sequela."  No migrane so what does that tell ya - my brain is turning to mush - HA!  Let's hope not. 
Take care,
1/2007 - 6 x 4.5 mm AN
8/2007 - 9 x 6 mm
CK at Georgetown 1/7/08-1/11/08; Dr. Gagnon
3/2008 - 10 x 7 mm
7/2008 - 9 x 10 x 6 mm (NECROTIC CENTER!!!!!)
5/2009 - no change/stable
4/2010 - 10 x 7 x 6 mm; stable/no change
5/2011 - 10 x 7; stable/no change
6/2012 - 8.1 x 7 mm
4/2014 - stable/no change


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Re: MRI at 7 months post-CK, Part II, FLAIR Images
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 12:10:50 pm »
Hey JB and goinbatty: hope all is better with you both.  I guess I am the only ANer on the planet that loves decadon! Hate to say it but that was the best legal high I have ever been on ;D- but seriously, I hope all is well with you both.  I am always amazed at how resilient the human body is so I don't think the steriods will have any major long term developments.  Hope the fluid shrinks, drains or what ever the heck it's suppose to do... take care all- Annie

PS goinbatty i know what you mean about the forum, I have just been swamped lately with other stuff and haven't been active as I use to be.  Annie
Annie MMM MY Shwannoma (sung to the son My Sharona by the Knack-1979)
I have a TUMAH (Arnold Schwarzenegger accent) 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.9CM. CK Treatment 2/7-2/9/07, Stanford- Dr. Stephen Chang, Dr. Scott Soltys