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Re: Postie question for all about hearing, radiosurgery, Baha, transear, hearing
« Reply #16 on: Today at 11:20:15 PM »
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Mary, I had gamma knife in 05 and lost my hearing on the left side gradually over a few months. I have been wearing a bi-cross system for over a year and a half and it is a great help. The hearing in my good is is very good and normally would not use an aid but with the cross system they programmed a little help on the good side too. It helps with the sounds that you miss on your deaf side but of course it's still going in that one side so it's no help with directional hearing and sometimes in crowded rooms it just adds to the confusion of SSD but you can turn it off or lower the volume.
I have had some problems with am radio station interference in some places but it's manageable.
I also got a second set of aids from the VA which are suppose to be the best on the market, phonak but I have had trouble getting them right. they do have good sound quality but have had trouble with them being too loud all the time or not loud enough when changed. They are behind the ear models and are a little more hardware to carry around than my other which are in the ear and are made by Interton
I tried a transear too but was very uncomfortable and I got little sound transfer from it. Could be that with someone with more experience may have been able to get it to work better as the audio guy said that it was the first one he had ever ordered.
I have considered baha but never made the decision on that option