I wish to find an AN specialist near Cleveland, Ohio. I've had a rough road since being diagnosed in August of '06, and I've visited two different specialists; however, I was not pleased with either. The first doctor was located at the Taussig Cancer Center, at the Cleveland Clinic. I decided to discontinue this physician's services due to an article I had read in my local newspaper, The Plain Dealer, almost a year ago. The article provided information regarding one of the physician's assistant's there (in the very department I was being seen in) - as he was charged with domestic violence by his fiancee, who was also a nurse there - in the same area. The article described the reasons leading up to the charges, as the (accused) fiancee claimed the violence occurred at the very facility - while they both worked. She claimed he (her fiancee) choked her in the bathroom there - because he thought she took his shorts out of his gym bag. The victim was upset that her (now ex) fiancee was allowed to continue working there - while his case was preparing for trial. The accused felt his work privileges should continue since he wasn't found guilty, yet. I just didn't want to continue with the Cleveland Clinic after reading that article. I can't go under anesthesia knowing there is a doctor's assistant who has pending criminal charges. Also, I found it terribly hard for me to sit in the waiting area with people suffering from cancer. I could not hold back tears at each visit. I felt so incredibly sorry for each and every individual there, as most had no hair. It made me feel powerless, and it made me feel mad. I am mad that there is no cure for cancer. Sitting there made me feel so weak. I didn't want anyone to see the tears in my eyes, as they (cancer victims) are probably looking for more hope, than sympathy. I don't know exactly how they feel, but I don't believe they needed to see me sitting there, crying over them. Each time I knew the tears were coming, I would run to the bathroom and sob.
The second physician - at MetroHealth Medical Center - was just a disappointment. Upon each visit, you had to 'take a number' and 'be seated - even if you have an appointment'. I felt like 'just a number'. When I asked that physician any questions, like, 'what should I expect after surgery?' - as I needed some answers to know if I would be able to take care of my son without assistance (as I don't have any
- yet all the answers were the same 'we'll talk about that when the time comes'. I wasn't completely sure I didn't want to continue with this physician until I arrived to my last appointment - as the secretary told me 'Oh, we cancelled your appointment, didn't you get the message on your voice mail at home, this morning?' I was quite HOT over this, as now I had to make up for 2 1/2 hours of work missed - because the secretary didn't call me on my cell phone, as she always did in the past. She always gave me the latest appointments due to my work schedule, yet she leaves the message on my home phone that very morning. When the secretary knew I was upset that I didn't get a call on my cell phone, she then said 'look, I've been calling people all day - I had to call 30 people to cancel appointments for the entire week!' I thought, 'that's nice, she's cancelling future appointments, yet my appointment was TODAY!' When I asked why she didn't call me on my cell phone, she hesitated, then said 'Oh...I did try'. That was a blatant lie, and she knew it. My cell phone showed no missed calls, whatsoever.
If anyone can recommend a specialist - other than the two hospitals above - please let me know.