Hello! I have SSD but not from AN. I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions here. I found this forum through the Transear site, though they say they have no connection with this board. I've been deaf in my left ear (a virus?) for several years and a new audiologist just recommended the Transear. There seem to be many people here who like it and a few who don't. I have written to the company but have had no response to my question about tinnitus. I have the reactive type, which means the louder my environment, the louder the tinnitus. In a noisy room I can barely hear enough from my good ear to be able to distinguish sound over the roaring noise in my head. I'm a little concerned that they haven't answered my question and have written to them again. In the meantime, have you been satisifed overall with your Transear experience as far as dealing with the company overall? Do any of you have tinnitus also and how does the Transear work with that problem? Any other information/advice you can give me would be so much appreciated.
Since I now have a small amount of tinnitus in my good ear and some hearing loss, I think I'm ready to try something to bring some sound around on my left side. It would be so nice to just sit anywhere and not ask people to stay to my right so I can hear them. And that's only the beginning of the SSD issues, as I'm sure you all know. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.