I too had 3 sessions of CyberKnife and I am a little over a year postop. The symptoms you described are all within what is to be expected or considered "normal" following CK treatment. For the first few months after my CK, all my symptoms (disequilibrium, dizziness, tinnitus) worsen a little but not enough to impact me significantly. The ringing in my AN ear got worse and at times was roaring but that subsided over time (the roaring, not the ringing). My hearing did not get any worse and, if anything, is a tad better! When I turn my head quickly I get dizzy. I never had headaches that can be attributed to CK. I do not have any problems concentrating but, for some strange reason, I have problems with numbers (never had that problem before). For example, when I look at numbers that are more than 2 digits, I often get the first digit wrong unless I really concentrate and stare at it. My hearing in the AN ear was about 70% gone before CK and that remains almost the same so I do have problems hearing others unless I aim my good ear towards the sound source. As for driving, I get just a little disoriented when I have to look over my shoulder to I back up. Other than that, my driving has been minimally affected. As you may know, any symptoms you had prior to CK will likely NOT go away but remain with you.