i'm new here and dont know what is or isnt ok in this forum. but i thought this little note might help some of the skittish or those considering AN as an option.
Yesterday evening i had a little progress in my recovery from my AN. I had it done 12/03/07.
The procedure was successful and i am glad to report they got all of it and it was benign which was a biggie for me, even though they told me 95% of them are.
Anyway the operation left me with the rt side of my face sagging and paralyzed. I have no feeling or muscle movement over there at all. This too is , im told , normal and maybe temporary.
Yesterday i was able to close my right eye and open it without doing the same with my left eye. now i cant "blink" that eye yet and it doesnt quite close all the way but it is getting better there too my wife says.
This is just a little improvement but it is one none the less and caused me to at least relax a little to wait for more improvements.
Whether more improvements come or not as long as i keep those 2 BIGGIES up front:
that they got all they could see , and it was benign the rest is ok.