Author Topic: TransEar for long time SSD? Affect singing?  (Read 2625 times)


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TransEar for long time SSD? Affect singing?
« on: May 21, 2008, 09:54:01 pm »
I'm considering a TransEar hearing aid and would like some feed back from others who use it.  I had my AN ssurgery 18 1/2 years ago.  Has anyone tried the TransEar with long time SSD?  Also, is there any problems listening to music, movies, etc.?  And perhaps most important, is there any affect on singing ability? I'm a First Soprano and a Cantor.  I've done fine with just hearing out of one ear.  Is it really that good in social situations?  What problems?

Thanks much, Cynthia


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Re: TransEar for long time SSD? Affect singing?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 10:45:06 pm »
Cynthia,  I've only been using my TransEar for a few years but I find it helpful in group meetings where several people have input and I can make out what they are saying on my deaf side as well as on my good side.  Having dinner with the TransEar is good for hearing the waiter and hearing the person on your deaf side at a round or square table.  I wear my TransEAr for special occasion parties, wanting to hear everybody speaking.  When I attend a meeting with a group of friends wiithout the TransEAr I am more subdued and tend to "take a back seat".  It is definitely an asset to my social life.  TransEar presents no problems with listening to movies and music.

I have worn my TransEar for singing in a group, but find it not necessary for hearing myself while I am singing.  Sometimes I am soprano and sometimes alto (by ear).  I sing in a very small choir and sometimes do solo announcing, Alleluias, and Acclamations, all without the aid of the TransEAr.  I believe singers hear themselves inside the head, know their pitches and function quite well with and without a hearing aid. Therefore, TransEAr doesn't affect my singing ability.   

I was told that as time passes and my good side loses more of its "good" hearing I might need a CROS aid.  At age 65 I find my TransEar still helpful and important even though I have slight upper range loss in the good ear.

TransEar is not comfortable out of doors on a sweaty day.  I doubt any other hearing aid is useful in situations where one sweats a lot.  The ear canal gets very wet when we sweat.  I don't like to chew a lot of food with my TransEar in the canal as my jaw bone bumps the earpiece too much. 


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Re: TransEar for long time SSD? Affect singing?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 12:16:47 pm »

Although I can't quote statistics, we know anecdotally that one who has been deaf in one ear for a long time will take longer to get the full benefit from TransEar (or any other instrument for that matter) than someone who has only recently lost the ability to hear on one side. In the 18 1/2 years you have had SSD, your brain has learned to cope, and it doesn't expect any information to come from the dead side. So while you might notice immediate benefit, chances are good that your brain will need time to adjust - rewire itself, so to speak. If you decide to go ahead with TransEar, have a little patience with yourself. As others have reported here, TransEar's effects are subtle. In your case, improvements will be gradual and will take more time.


Rick Gilbert
V.P. & G.M., Ear Technology Corporation/TransEar


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Re: TransEar for long time SSD? Affect singing?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 09:44:35 pm »
Hi Cynthia,

Another Cynthia here who has had a TRansear for almost a year.  I was deaf in my right ear for about 5.5 years when I got my Transear.  It has really helped me.  In fact, I recently had it break and was without it for 3 weeks, and it was only when I didn't have it that I realized how much it was doing and how much it helps me.

I am not a singer, but when i listen to music, it helps me feel like I can hear stereo again, even though I really can't.  I think it allows me to enjoy the  music more.  I would try it.