I guess the bottom line is....keep busy, find other things to think about. Focusing on it just gets you all riled up for no purpose at all>>>I mean, what can YOU do about it? Nada, except making sure you have good docs. Just keep as healthy and upbeat and busy as you possibly can. THERE'S A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE. Go have a ball. Get filled up. Love and be loved. Play. Work. Live.
On the other hand, physician's assistants may not have gone through what their patients are going through---but they can learn how to behave professionally. Telling an ill person they are "used to it" is not. ("Yeah, I'm dying of cancer, but I'm used to it...." "Had migraines my whole life, pain and vomiting, so I'm used to it...." not a good examples, but gee whiz!The same thing, isn't it?). At least they could PRETEND to be professional...sheesh. Hey, if I can fake it, so can they. I pretend not to be suffering every single day!
Claire, your are an inspiration! Thanks for your helpful words.