My initial hearing loss was sort of sudden, with a very gradual continuation.
Let me explain:
I went from a 30% hearing losss in 1974 to 100% hearing loss in 1979.
I remember in the spring of 1974 wondering if someone was turning the volume up and down on the tv, but I could see that nobody was doing that. That samne week as I drove around town, with the windows down, I could hear a lot of wind, so I would roll up the wondow, but still heard this. I also began to hear sounds in my head when I would lie down in bed at night, when the house was quiet. These sounds reminded me of wind blowing, but it went from high to low very quickly, like someone turning the volume up and down quickly on a tv or radio.
I had just been to the airport to see someone off and stood close to jet that week and I had also just seen Elvis Presley in concert, sitting close to the stage and the music was loud. So I figured I must have had some nerve damage from one or both of these loud sounds.
I went to different doctors for the next 5 or 6 years and they all said it was nerve damage, but could not tell me why. It was not until 2001 that an MRI revealed the acoustic neuroma.