thanks robyn, Lori, and Trish for your good wishes!
Jordan is all revved up for his duties as scrivener. We decided it made sense for him to book a room at the small MGH-owned hospitality hotel (a LOT cheaper than the $350/night Holiday Inn across the street!), so that when he gets back from his 5 hour schlep to the Berkshires, he can park the car for a while and rest up in between visiting me. My daughter will take the train in and join him the second night, then they'll both go home. (We're only about 1 hour or so from the hospital, but in traffic it's a nasty and much longer drive, and of course makes dropping in for visits at different times of day less than convenient...)
I started on the Decadron and Zantac my neuro told me to take for 2 days prior to surgery, and boy has it given me a whopper of a headache and stomachache. I'm going to check in when the office opens at 9 before taking my next dose. Hardly slept last night--not because of anxiety, but because I felt like &*$#. When I see "The Hulk" later with my kids (their choice, not mine, I swear!), and Bruce Bana starts grabbing his head and howling as he turns huge and green, I'll be thinking to myself "exactly my sentiments..."