I can comment on my experience with TN.
About 2 years prior to the surgical removal of a 4cm AN, I began having symptoms on the affected side of my face.
It was painful and felt like there was a knot near the TMJ muscle. No, I don't have TMJ.
At that time, the pain was achy.
2 years later, I had the surgery and it was sticky b/c the facial nerve was involved with the AN. The surgery was long and I was lucky to not lose my facial nerve completely.
Now, I suffer though from more painful TN. I am coming off of an episode as I type.
For the past 18 months, imitrex has been a lifesaver.
Yesterday, it did not work.
The pain is more shooting and much more painful than past episodes.
I get about 1 -2 episodes per month which last 2-3 days.
They do happen near my period or ovulation.
I've been on topomax but it didn't help me except I lost 10 lbs which put me in size 2. I gained it all back within 2 months of going off it.
So, that's my story. I can tell you that the doctors don't have answers for this. I've gone to the Diamond Headache clinic and they put me on topomax.
I've recently starting using shots of B 12 once a week on myself. I am wondering if this is triggering anything more significant.
B 12 is supposed to help with Facial regeneration so who knows?
I wish you the best. Everyone is so different as well as each case.
Take care,