I'll echo the comments of everyone else. This site has been a Godsend. Today is my seven month surgery anniversary. It is also I believe my fifth month anniversary on this site. I can honestly say that without it and all of you and your support, I would be absolutely lost today. I've only had hints and clues from medical professions as to what was going on with me. I don't know whether it was an issue of culpability or no one wanted to be the bearer of bad tidings, but it was only through this site that I discovered that there was something wrong and I was able to do something about it and come to grips with my new life. And I really admire Kay for going through all this in the Dark Ages. Maybe it could take a letter writing campaign to ENTs who diagnose ANs to add a mention of this site when they give their referrals for surgery. Like Jan and several others of you, I wish I had know about this site prior to surgery. In hindsight I don't know for sure, but I am guessing it may have lead me to consider and undertake different options.