Hi Everyone,
When I made this post, I didn't think I would get very many replies. Everyone has answered so compassionately, and it has truly been helpful hearing how all of you have dealt with making your decisions. I know everyone here has been through or either going through this process of making a decision that is best for them. So, I know that I am not "unique" in having all of these feelings. I know that in your case Jim you really didn't have time to make a decision because of that big blob of a tumor in your head. You are such an amazing person, and I appreciate that you monitor this board and give such helpful info. Cudos to all of you who also visit here on a regular basis and give good info and support. I am very thankful that my AN is tiny. I do have more choices at this point. It would be reasonable to W & W, and in the end I might just do that for awhile longer.
My AN was discovered by accident in Dec. 2005. It was small (and still is), and I wasn't having any real problems--probably some phantom problems after the diagnosis! But my doctor assurred me that W & W was appropriate, and also my hearing was better in my AN ear than my nonAN ear. So, after a few months of freaking out about having an AN, I put all of those feelings aside, and I was content to W & W. In fact I figured I was one of those who would never have any growth at all since it was found by accident in the first place. Now I hear that it is quite common to find these things by accident, and I read these stories a lot on this forum. So, when the AN grew this past year, and I started having some hearing loss (even though minor), I had to change my way of thinking. Instead of saying, "Oh, I have this thing in my ear, but it's never going to do anything." to now saying, "This "thing" is now an AN (a reality), and it wants to do something." Even though the growth was small, just the fact that it grew at all it makes it feel HUGE in my mind.
Now, I am at a decision point that is confusing me beyond belief. On the one hand, my AN doctor (who has an excellent reputation) thinks I should go ahead and treat the AN now with GK while it is small. The doc I went to for the second opinion recommended that I continue to W & W and have the follow-up MRI in a year. However, he did agree that my AN is a canidate for GK (along with five other doctors), and he said if it is going to cause me psychological problems then go ahead with treatment. My AN doctor hasn't pushed the GK, just his personal opinion, and he certainly agreed that W & W would be OK as well. I compromised with a MRI in six months, and for a "little" while I thought that was a good decision I could live with. But, I keep going back and forth, and I feel like I am going nutty, and I also worry about how this is affecting my bipolar disorder and issues with OCD. I am a total control freak, and this AN stuff is "freaking" out my "control", if you will. At this point, I think I need to get more information from my doctor. I am adding to my list of questions daily. Personally, I do feel confident with the GK procedure when it comes time so I think I have solved that issue. Now, I am just trying to get past the psychological issues. I have a consult set up with my psychiatrist to get a check on my mood which has been stable for quite awhile now. I don't want to make an impulsive decision because this is a decision I will have to live with for the rest of my life.
I hear you when you say it might be a good idea to talk to someone personally vs. posting on this board, and I might be willing to do that at some point. However, I would like to find someone who has a similar situation--small AN with only a few minor symptoms. I got some names from ANA when I was first diagnosed, and I decided to contact someone to get the "scoop". The person I talked to had a huge tumor (over 4 cm), and I really didn't feel like I could relate to her at all since she had no other choice except surgery. She had a difficult recovery process, and to be quite honest, I was freaking out the whole time I was talking to her. I actually went to my door and rang the doorbell so I could get off the phone. I tore up the list and decided to go into denial mode instead. Francesco I have read your website, and I am totally impressed with how you have handled your AN. You are an inspiration to all. Maybe I will give you a call.
Thanks for listening everyone. I know the gut feeling will come sooner or later. All of these ANs are different, and that is the frustrating part in deciding what to do. Yes, mine is small, growing slowly, it is benign, it could be worse, etc., but it is still important to me. Take care.