What I am looking at is a balance due of $2500.00 for the external device. My ins co pd for the procedure to have the screws put in, but not the external device. Makes no sense to me. Anyway, I don't even realize the screws are there unless I happen to brush my hair and hear it scrape. It does not interfere w/sleeping, showering, blow drying and setting my hair, etc.I have to warn hairdressers, tho. It will freak them out to scrape the thing! The device is wonderful. I cried when I first tried it at my doc's office. It took 3 months for the screws to heal. That's normal from what I understand, but my doc has tried new procedures for putting the screws in and he says that those people have a much quicker recovery than I had. Then I cried when they put the thing on my screw the first time. (There are two screws-one above the skin and one below in case the one above the skin gets knocked out-ughh) It is amazing. My doc says that if ins hadn't pd for the surgery, I would have been looking at about $10,000.00. Hope this info helps. My doc is looking to Entific to give him some direction on getting pd for this. He may be out a lot of money if ins doesn't pay for all that he's "installed." I wish you luck. I highly recommend this thing, even if my ins ends up not paying for it!