Author Topic: How many have had endoscopic surgery?  (Read 1324 times)


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How many have had endoscopic surgery?
« on: July 26, 2008, 09:58:55 pm »
Hi All,
I am considering endoscopic surgery and would like to hear of other experiences... pre-op, post-op etc.
Sher :-\
1.2cm x 0.6 cm extracanicular component (7 mm) 05/08/08
MRI in AUG 08  showed 30 % growth
Having CK 9/30, 10/1 and 10/2/08
1/12/08 MRI shows swelling


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Re: How many have had endoscopic surgery?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 08:51:30 am »
This response is one I slept on, because for me the question still remains key.  When I awoke I was thinking about it, and I came to the computer hoping someone else had posted and I could get on with my day.  The discision making process is one that was difficult to say the least.  I was just on the upper edge of the cusp for size, so CK wasn't really an option.  That made things easier: Traditional or Endoscopic for a surgical option?  I went to another support website and felt I hit a wall of resistance when I posed the same question you did.  I began thinking I was dealing with fuddy-duddy's who cling to the status-quo, and became dis-heartened with the lack of (non-self promoting) information online.  I wanted to go to the source too, and so had a consultation with one of the Endoscopic options.  Very impressive, like the web-site, full of promise.  Still, I am not an easy sell, so I wanted patients to talk to.  I got three hand- picked and called.  I was only able to get thru to two (very nice, very appreciative for their surgeon people), and I found one was apples and oranges with the size and the other didn't even know the size of theirs?!  And, their outcomes were not even slam dunks.  Then I found this site, and didn't have to ask a thing: I used the search and poured over the responses to endoscpic and specific names and had some food for thought.  So I contacted one from overseas and their reponse was positive.  Other, quite active people, had positive experiences.  Still, less response than I would have liked.  I was also on a parralel path of self-discovery, having to acknowlege I was stubborn for someone supposedly so open-minded.  I joked it would take my Neurotologist longer to drill through my mastoid bone then other, less hard headed people.  This trait is accepted and (for some reason seems 2b loved) by my conservative in-laws, and I butt heads in good hearted debate with my father-in-law.  So when he, having done extensive research for me himself, was coming up on the side of non-traditional endoscopy, I thought maybe I should listen, just this once.  My mantra was nothing is off the table till I am on the table!  This was my way of lightening up a heavy-hearted, overwhelming descision process. Then I contacted the ANA 800 number and got some very informative documents mailed to me, and a Willing to talk list.  Many people on it.  Opinions not hand picked.  Kind and understanding.  I inquired about the lack of feedback re: endo and came to the realization that maybe it is the way of the future, but I, at that time, requiring surgery soon, was not going to buck tradition this once.  So call me a coservative fuddy-duddy if you wish, but realize I am happy to have made the descision I did. 
I have to say that although radiological treatment was not right for me, we had a trusted friend early on that had a meningioma and he described how he reaserched various types of "stereotactic radiation" and came to decide on his course of action, and I was impressed.  He felt great about "recommending" radiation, and I, surgery.  I'm sorry I am not responding with a final answer to the endoscopic approach: your path is not paved for you...but keep doing your homework (maybe it is endosopy) and you'll be fine.
     Just know that these Neurologists are continuing their education: through continued reading, pow-wows with their community on improving outcomes, etc.. Every day that passes our outcomes are impoved!  At some point you have to give it over to God, or come to some peace about your descision, and that is my hope for you and others in this difficult position.
P.S. I can tell you of my experience with the one endoscopic facility consult: they were not upfront about the (what I feel is exorbitant) fee.  It was $600 dollars at the time and has gone up to $750.  They billed my Credit card, submitted insurance in an untimely manner, and received payment from my insurance (they put "pay provider" instead of patient, which it should have been as I had already paid) and they have not refunded me **Refund finally received in August.  My insurance, btw, only pays a fraction of the consultation fee**, nor returned my calls.  This reinforced my descision to have gone elsewhere.  Do not fall for eye-candy!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 10:43:47 am by JulieE »


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Re: How many have had endoscopic surgery?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 09:12:50 am »
Thank you so much for your reply. This process is hard and I am vascilating back and forth daily. I love the forum, but am looking for rock solid facts and with AN's that doesn't seem to be the case. I have other symptoms that I deal with everyday with a herniated disc in the neck etc that effects the neck and head so I have to consider that when doing surgery etc. I have heard that people have neck problems after surgery and I am afraid of that. I have lots of spasms in scalp and sinus areas. This exasterbates the AN symptoms. So I am not thrilled with any option right now, but know that I have to do something at some point. I appreciate your reply and hope to be able to make a decision after an MRI in August.
Thanks again !!!
1.2cm x 0.6 cm extracanicular component (7 mm) 05/08/08
MRI in AUG 08  showed 30 % growth
Having CK 9/30, 10/1 and 10/2/08
1/12/08 MRI shows swelling


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Re: How many have had endoscopic surgery?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2008, 05:35:46 pm »
Hi Sher,
I'm sorry you have these other complications to add difficulty to an already confusing process, but I fully understand wanting rock solid facts.  You recognize the near impossibility of that due to the nature of these ANs, and when I stated the contacts for endoscopy were not slam dunks, there are few slam dunks anywhere.  It is how you deal with your rim shot...I believe positive thinking will put it in the net.  Hope you find clarity and please keep me updated on your descision process come August.  We're with you,