Hi Everyone
Well, I have all the symptons of AN...loss of hearing in my left ear, which two yrs ago, I had tested and they told me to get use to it as it due to old age...but, my gut feeling told me NO, its not old age....I have loss of balance, not great, but slightly noticable by me.
Slight vertigo, some numbness on my left side of face and headaches or should I say borderline headache...I more or less have pressure at the back of the head. Plus ringing in the ear. After nagging my GP, she finally sent me to an ENT. After testing me the results were the same as before, but because of the symptons, they did a BAER test. Then after that, they sent me for an MRI.
Here in Ontario Canada I was told there would be a nine month to a yr wait....AGAIN, my gut feeling said dont wait...So I went to Quebec and paid for my MRI...in return, I got a copy of the imaging. Which of course when I got home I looked at the cd...I must say it is very interesting to be looking at your brain...low and behold, there is a white "growth" on the left side that is not on the right side. I have compared the images with others on the net and I know, again in my gut it is AN.
Now I am waiting for the confirmation. I have spent many hours on here reading the posts....and I am armed with a thousand questions for my doctor when the time comes....If it isnt AN, then I am flabbergasted as all the sympton correspond...Time will tell...
say tuned for verdict and it is so nice to meet all of you on here.