Keep the doctor appt. no matter what!! I had the CSF leak 3 days after I got home. It's very thin and clear. You can tell it isn't sinus. You can also feel a "leakage" in the back of your throat. Like every few minutes I had to swallow. Mine was thru my nose, also. If you can do this....if it leaks alittle again out of your nose, put a kleenex up to the leak, and just put your tongue on it. If it tasts salty, then it DEFINITELY is a leak. Nothing that I EVER had come out of my nose was that clear and thin. I had forgotten that this could happen, but I knew immediately what it was. So, keep the appt.
For me, they redid the surgery. Had to repack the head, and also had to open up my tummy again. Then had a drainage tube for 5 days.
You NEED to take care of it, no matter how they do it. You've come this HAVE to finish up the rest......or like they said, it could mean menningitis.
Please keep us informed. I had my second surgery July 9th. It was only 3 hours surgery.
I'm praying for you.