Its hard not to be discouraged, esp when you're a single college student facing the public almost constantly.
I am speaking as an ole HS teacher and someone who once went to college… and yup even once dated guys (gasp!
) Many of my girlfriends who got deeply involved with a guy just because he was quote “good looking� ended up with disastrous relationships – most likely because their attraction to the guy was so superficial to start with. Two girls that I went to college with, who were always so proud and bragged of their boyfriends “good looks� etc and married their “Mr. Good Looks� are now in their forties- divorced.
My girlfriends from college (ok when dinosaurs roamed the earth)- who just fell in love with a guy because he was so amazing, of up-standing character, gentle , sensitive and for who he is in “the inside�…and actually married the guy they loved for his “Character� are… (guess what?)... STILL married.
Hang in there Chris- this is going to make you ever so beautiful and strong in character as a college student – and graduate. Focus on your studies, start building your career – the rest will fall into place when the time is right. When my college dating finally ended (in marriage
) -it is because I picked the one who was the smartest, had upstanding character, gentle sensitive and caring. On “his� perspective he really was not too interested in my appearances - but more my brain. (Thus I was careful to pick a reputable neurosurgeon last summer
You know if my husband had Bell Palsy when I first met him it would not have made any difference- I was blown away by his brilliance and kindness.
One thing that this ole Bell Palsy experience has given me is to identify who in my life is SO superficial and who is sincere. It has been interesting for my teenage daughter to observe too …and see how her own peers respond to her Mom’s appearances. As she approaches high school, as a freshman, I am confident she will choose her friends not on appearances but on their
Study hard... change the world for the better... and some dear sweet gal
will fall in love with you for it...
Keep moving forward