Hi to all,
Thanks to all of you who have been encouraging me. I try to laugh when I can and cry when I need to to. My kids are grown and live in other cities, so I had to tell my son over the phone. Not my first choice, since we recently lost my mother-in-law due to a malignant brain tumor. My daughter is flying in for the weekend tomorrow and I will tell her when she gets here. I'm still trying to figure out what my options are. The dr. from the House clinic who called me said he would recommend the middle fossa surgery, which would be my choice if I decide to go that route. I guess I'm just basically scared spitless at the prospect of such major surgery, and this is a new feeling for me. I have always had a pretty high pain tolerance and come from a long line of stoics. We usually just suck it up and keep going. I think I have met my match!
I will definitely be in touch with you, Kaybo. I think I need to hear some words of wisdom. I will be seeing the same dr. that Pooter saw, so that does make me feel a little better. Reading all the experiences that people have gone through has really been helpful in my attitude toward all of this. Your humor and honesty shine through in every post. Keep it up! I hope I can make someone else feel better somewhere on down the line.