Steve .....
Thanks for your kind words. I guess the scary part of this is that on my 5-month-out MRI, the radiologist's interpretation was that it could be scar tissue or residual tumor ..... and I was expecting an "all's clear report" since the surgeon said he had completely removed the tumor. My surgeon assured me at that time that it was, indeed, a normal MRI for 5 months post-op. However, now on this one-year-out MRI, the same radiologist is calling it compatible with residual tumor and no mention of scar tissue. My surgeon is unsure since there are changes from the previous one.
The original AN was a very fast-growing type (did not show on an MRI a year before diagnosis) ..... hence my concern to wait a year now for another MRI. (Note: My surgeon feels there is no issue in waiting, judging the comparison of the two post-op MRIs.)
Your comment about cutting away the blood supply makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for your assurance!