Here is a quick video that will show you what
“nystagmus� can look like had this for a temporary period days 3 – 8 after my surgery. In my case it was caused by brain swelling and required I take Diamox (a diuretic anti-inflammatory nasty pharmaceutical drug)
Are you simply having some twitching of muscles around the eye or is the eye going bazirk in a horizontal pattern – such as in the nystagmus video?
If you think you are having nystagmus you need to see your neurotologist ASAP. You
could also see an ophthalmologist- either of these professionals can assess your situation and refer you to a “neuro -ophthalmologist�
Please know that I am now just fine and my eye is back to 99% function… and I may just be barking up the wrong tree here … Nevertheless this is not normal AN recovery and you need to get this checked out by a professional medical practioner.
If it is just the muscles twitching (i.e. muscle spasm) around the eye- you should check with your qualified neuromuscular facial retraining therapist.
Keep us posted.