I should make this fast... just wanted to say that i returned to work on schedule, exactly 3 months after my surgery. I probably could have done it after 2 months, but figured the extra four weeks off would do more good than harm and i was still trying to sort out my "new normal" with facial/vision issues. Thankfully i have no fatigue, headaches, dizziness, pain. If not for my face/vision issues i feel about 95% or better.
I am approaching the end of week 3 at work and so far so good, even with a longer commute, and lots of reading and computer work. I get a lot of looks, mostly i think because of the eye patch, which kind of bugs me (i ride the subway about 40min to work... which is nasty because it's noisy and crowded, but i pass the time with magazines). The people that i work with have all been great and i am slowly feeling a little better about being one of the walking wounded in this world. I did get a great new patch too.
So i saw opthamologist #1 (i have been seeing two different ones) and the original doctor who diagnosed me (and who participated in the surgery) the first week of September. Apparently my double vision has not settled enough yet (hopefully a good sign that it will correct on its own). I could get the temporary prisms, but they said i would probably have to change they every few weeks and that since my cornea was doing so great with the patch, i should try to stick it out. Which i am. I will go back in early December (which will be 6 mo post surgery) unless there are major developments before. I do sense some small improvement in the DV, but it's sutle and fleeting so i am still being patient.
Not much going on with my face unfortunately. I think the numbness has finally, largely, passed. No real movement to speak off although i do see/feel some movement at the back of my cheek near my ear. Again, more patience.
I am still not driving so I had to put Cali in a daycare closer to home rather than the one acrosss the street from work. I think she is finally settling and the note that they send home each day said this yesterday..."we love Cali!" I feel like they should be paying me to have her all day. I miss her. She is 18 months old this week and pure magic.
My hubbie has been so great through all this and i am so grateful for that. I am so busy now that i hardly have any time to feel bad for myself, so all in all i am doing great. I did even get out for a few short solo runs about a month ago, which was awesome, but i haven't found (made!) time since.
I remain a work-in-progress.