I am trying to get Eric into a Therapist but we are having some insurance issues so it will be a while. We fully intend to ask the therapist this question. But here it is.
Eric mentioned to me that he coughs when he sees bugs. Now, at first we didn't think much of it but the other night I saw a spider and Yelled( I hate Spiders) and Eric had another coughing attack. It seems that spiders are the worst culpret. I am now wondering if other things set off his coughing. Like different subjects. This is so odd.
Now, I know these nerves do odd things but this is so weird. Before Eric was diagnosed, I asked his doctor about how he was walking in his sleep and sleeping with his eyes half closed. It was terrible It was getting really bad and almost every night. He said, "Some people just do that" But since surgery it is all gone. There is no doubt in my mind it was the tumor. And here you go, I knew something wasn't right.
So, I am very interested in what anyone has to say. I very much doubt the docs are going to think this is true.