Since I was freaking out about the sedation issue, I decided to go and talk with the nurse at the gamma knife center where I will be having my GK on Oct.7th. Talking to her was most reassuring. She said the GK team is there to make you as comfortable as possible, and she also said there are many types of sedation options. She told me about the amnesia one, and I really could go for that one. She also said if you need to go to the restroom during the procedure, you can go without interrupting the treatment. I would worry about that one though. Once I get in the machine, I just want to stick it out and get it over with. Since my AN is so small, I don't think I'll be in there very long. I have been told, and now I know, that the "nurse" is the "go to" person on the team if you need some more clarification about the procedure. At least that is the way it is at the GK center I am going to. I am so ready to get to that "happy place" so I can get past the treatment phase. Best wishes for all of you who are making decisions. My finger nails are just starting to grow back now that I have the decision under my belt.