I had the middle fossa approach which, from my readings, seem to have a bigger occurrence of regrowth than translab. I had annual MRI's for two years post op since my op 3 and a bit years ago and then about 7-8 mths ago, felt like something was not right. So I organised for an MRI and yep, it had returned. I had another one 2 months ago and it had not grown any more.
What I have found through experience of various health issues, not just this, is that you need to research yourself and get second opinions, regardless of how wonderful you think your Dr is.
I made a huge mistake when I had my op done. I was very ignorant of options and went into it on the recomendation of my ENT and have sufferred significantly since (headaches mainly). It is only through this message board that I have learned about the other options available, the drugs and ongoing therapy that people are adopting. It has been fantastic. The posts thus far about MRI's seem to be a little inconclusive as to how long to have them. I'm fortunate, in Sydney my out of pocket expense for an MRI is about $200. Thats pretty good peace of mind for me.
Just on MRI's, another thing that I learned, and this may explain why some posters have growths that are bigger than their MRI's show at time of op, is that not all MRI's have the same strength. It pays to check out the comparitives between hospitals as to their strength and age. The machines are getting better and the software is improving to reduce the length of time in that horrible chamber. My last MRI took about 15 minutes compared to my first one 3 years ago which was 40 minutes.
Personally, i will be having annual MRI's till at least the 10 year mark.