Hi Sher, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers -- but that makes it sounds like you are about to undergo something scary. Although the AN experience is definitely unnerving, CK treatment is about 100 times easier than going to the dentist. It is a breeze, and we are blessed to have such a non-invasive alternative available to us. I had intermittent balance episodes before treatment. Afterwards, it has been up and down with the balance issues but I think the size of my AN had something to do with that. Best wishes. You'll feel a lot better once the treatment is behind you! Francesco
Sher, I couldn't agree more with Francesco..... many times, I speak to those contemplating CK .... and I try to share with them just how easy and truly unnerving the procedure is... and I tell them the same thing as Francesco.... how much easier it is than going to the dentist (heck, after day 1 of CK, I slept through my treatments!)... and after they do CK... they come back to me and say "OMG! You were right! it was the easiest dang thing I've ever done!"...... The anxiety leading up to it is absolutely the worst... the first day, the anxiety can be bad, so I'm hoping they offer a "happy pill" (ie: Ativan or such) to help "curb the edge".... but, after day one.... I'll place bets that you will also say "OMG, that was too easy!". Care to take that bet?

Like your's, mine was growing at a good speed as well and I wanted to nip it before it got out of hand. Now.... I sit here 2-1/2 yrs later... totally at peace with my decision... and experiencing the end results. At time of my treatment, I always kept my eye on the end result... during those days short term side affects would bother me (ie: if my balance was off, short-term enhanced tinnitus, etc)... I just kept my eye on the end result... reminding myself that I was mentally strong enough to endure the twinges and pangs that I experienced... telling myself that I can handle anything as it was the end result that makes it all worth while.... and today, I sit here, with a smile on my face, knowing that not only was I able to get through the treatment... and the occassional pangs and twinges... but now I have my dr's confirmation that the booger has died its fugly death.... so, I'm rubbing off some of that good outcome your way.... and when the CK is done... please come back and tell us (me) just how easy the process truly was......I'm dying to hear you say "OMG! You were right! It was so dang easy!"
Hang tough! Prayers and wishes and my infamous hugglez coming your way! You can do it!
