Author Topic: Questions to ask neurosurgeon...  (Read 2099 times)


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Questions to ask neurosurgeon...
« on: January 18, 2006, 05:08:38 pm »
My fiancee and I are looking to meet with a neurosurgeon to discuss different treatment methods for his AN.  Fiancee is leaning toward CyberKnife treatement, what are some questions we should ask? 

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Re: Questions to ask neurosurgeon...
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 08:21:01 pm »

I see that you have already asked  a few high level questions over on the CPSG board which Dr. Medberry has responded to. I would encourage you to use that forum for any questions that come up for either his perspective or one of the other docs that volunteer to monitor that board.

IMO , it is very important to research the pros and cons of both surgery and radiosurgery in treating an AN and decide which in the end you and your fiance feel most comfortable with choosing. As Dr. Medberry indicated given the growth that has occurred between the MRI's I wouldn't think observation would not be a good course going forward. As I've said in previous posts to other folks I think it is best to find a neurosurgeon who has a lot of experience with AN's and does both types of treatment to get the most unbiased view. If that's not possible then certainly see a surgeon and radiosurgeon , but be prepared for some conflicting information to be offered.

There is a lot of links to useful articles and studies in the archives of this site from other posters which can be useful. Obviously, the sharing of others individual experiences have some value but they need to be read in the context that they are just that, and not indicators of how things will work out for your fiance in whatever he chooses.

Like most folks who post here, I went through the roller coaster of emotions and indecision before I made my choice. You've already been to the CK support group site, if you click on stories, Mark's Acoustic Neuroma you can review the issues and questions that I wrestled with, if that would be helpful. The link to the CK society page has an excellent write up on AN's and the pros and cons of all the treatment options

Everyone who posts here does so because they are either looking for answers or trying to help others so feel free to ask questions here with the understanding that not everyone agrees and no one is a doctor  :)

Let me know if I can help with anything else

CK for a 2 cm AN with Dr. Chang/ Dr. Gibbs at Stanford
November 2001


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Re: Questions to ask neurosurgeon...
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 08:34:24 pm »
  A place to begin:
  One can never ask too many questions and needs to be bold in doing so. Many Drs are so cock sure and bias of their Tx recommendations, they will hear of nothing else.
  Do not be scared away from surgery or lured into radiation as a painless, easy cure. There are drawbacks either immediate or potential to either and both Tx types have similar statistics for success.
  Best wishes to you in a choice YOU are comfortable with. A choice which is gained by knowledge and not arrived at by fear.
  I would get a couple opinions from the surgical side of the isle and a couple from the irradiation side.