Hi everyone,
I haven't been on in a while, but I have a couple of questions.
I was diagnosed last Novemeber with a small AN.
I expereinced 2 years of increasingly severe sypmtoms, and doctors thought it was probably Menieres.
My symptoms were severe vertigo, that usually would dial down to a constant state of spinning from right to left, nasuea and vomitting, tinnitus, ear pain and headaches. The symptoms seem to be more severe than the size of the AN would indicate.
The AN is too small to do anything with right now except watch and wait, so I asked for some accommodations at work to help with the symptoms. At first they were willing to help, but I still was dizzy and nauseous.
I lived and worked at a high elevation (7,000 feet). I needed a walking stick to keep me steady.
On vacation at sea level, I began to notice my symptoms were improved. Although I still had occassional bouts of severe dizziness and nausea, most of the time the symptoms were mild.
Upon returning to the high elevation my symptoms again increased dramatically. I asked to telecommute from a lower elevation, which was denied. I appealed and was eventually granted temporary permission to telecommute while I atended vestibular therapy. Vestibular therapy was unable to relieve the dizziness or imrpve balance issues. The doctor recommeneded I live/work at lower elevation due to increased risk of harm to self and others as a result of the symptoms I experience at higher elevations.
Sorry for the long explanation...but here is the crux of my problem... I am a Federal employee, and the office for which I work has denied the request and will not work any further with me to come to an accommodation. I can follow the EEO appeals process, file a grievance through my union or consult an attorney. Or I can go back to work there, and feel sick, vomit 7-10 per week, and risk falling.
I can't see any other options. Does anyone else have similar experiences? Advice to offer?