Marci, sorry you are in pain and that meds aren't "kicking in". Hope you find more relief, now I feel pretty crappy "PMing" you with my question...sigh!
David, keep in mind these VS's are "rare" so not much is known in all areas, how they get there, why they grow, treatment outcomes with both forms, and recovery times. The doctors still learn from us, in a way, we lead their way and someday/year there will be a nice neat little box VS's will fit into. Thankfully the surgery has improved and also looks like the radiation tx has changed in strengths zapped at the head.
This is the most frustrating part of these tumors--the unknown. We are individuals and as you know the progress of how we heal is unique to each of us. Get on the surfboard and ride this wave as best you can without falling off. You're doing a good job of it so far, don't become overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.
To you both, even if I don't share the same problems you are going through, I know how frustrating it can be when we have "no guide" to let us know we are on track. Use your frustration as a tool, turn this feeling inside out and maybe you will see it more clearly. If it is not possible to accept then how best to continue to search other alternatives/doctors for help.
I had a long road of total frustration with no definitive guide as to what being "off balance/wonky head" is supposed to feel like, being told each of us heal faster than others, be patient. Thanks to my problems, now I'm sure my doctor will tell patients if they discover after vestib therapy their world still "bounces" to get in touch with him as oscillopsia is not a part of feeling "off balance" as doctors tend to use this description with their patients during their recovery. More detail needs to be forthcoming here, and even though because of the three-years of oscillopsia and inflammation spreading my brain did not fully re-train itself and I yam what I yam! What has come of this is more doctors now know what to "hear" from their patients complaints of "off balance" and how best to treat this. As stated before, we lead their way to better improvements.