Hey guys,
Well its been a while since I last dropped in for a chat, but I just wanted to share with all of you my 1st anniversary, I can't believe its been a year since the op and has it changed me?
well in some ways yes it has, I don't look exactaly the same as did pre op my smile is still slanted and my eye still won't blink I have a scar behind my left ear and an antena sticking out of the side of my head (BAHA) but I think I'm still the same person underneath! my confidence took a bit of a knock but its coming back slowly. my family have to put up with me being a total scatter brain, i forget everything apart from the day and I'm sure I only remember that because I have to look at the calander everyday to find out what I'm supposed to be doing.
Over the last few weeks I've been feeling a little strange, i can't discribe it really, I guess iI was just reflecting on the last 12 months and thinking after everything I've been through here i am still just plodding along, doing the same job, sitting in front of the tv at night, moaning at the kids to do there homework and clean their rooms, concidering I went through something thats life changing my life hasn't changed at all.
After a week or so of feeling slightly sorry for myself and wondering what I could do that would forfill the void in my life (because I have a second chance at life I may aswell do something amazing with it), I realised something.....my life has changed because even though I moan at the kids, still sit in front of the tv each night and still do the same job, I also, spend time with my family, watch my children grow, spend time just talking about random things with my friends, lay in bed in the arms of my husband on lazy sunday mornings, speak with my neighbours about the dog that keeps doing its business on the front lawn, see the sun rise and set, the seasons change, watch my progress and thank god I'm still alive, the most life changing thing that could happen to anyone is .....learning to appreciate the life you have and for me knowing that if it wasn't for some very clever doctors, theres a good chance that I might not have been here for any of it even the mundane things.
You see i realised i am doing something amazing with my second chance,
I'm Living!!!! Take care all of you, enjoy every minute and cherrish every second.
