So, for the past couple of weeks I have been getting out for some really, really, long walks - (drunken sailor wobble) is getting a wee bit better ..... anyway while not officially winter we do have snow, winds and it has been really, really cold. I am so NOT the fashioneesta outside and resemble more the michelin man ... anyway - even with a hat, scarf and all the other garb my facial weakness seems so much worse - - I can hardly carrry on an intelligent conversation - it's like I have marbles in my mouth! I do have a slight impediment right now anyway due to the tip of my tongue and side of tongue feeling almost 'burnt' - I have been practicing my s's - as I seem to be lisping somewhat ..... but is this the new 'normal' when outside in the cold - to feel all that more frozen on the face - in the sense that it will not move freely
Oh the joys!
Oh and I was told the other day that my AN eye looked liked a glass eye