I didn't get a flu shot yet.....but last the last 2 weeks, I've had pneumonia!!
I got a real bad cold the day after thanksgiving.......and by tuesday was feeling really crappy. So I did go see my doctor. He listened to my chest, and said "I think you have pneumonia down there". I said "WHAT"
?? I figured bronchitis. He had x-rays take-n, and yes it was. I was down in bed for 2 weeks. My hubby didn't sleep with me.....he didn't want to get a cold.....so he slept on the couch! A few nights I couldn't sleep....so I got my computer out, and brought in my credit card.....and shopped away!!!!!! ha. Actually one thing I got in the mail, I DO NOT remember ordering!!!! Had to send it back. ha. I must have really been out of it.H
My hubby took the credit card out of the bedroom now! He's a spoilsport, right? ha. I was having fun. Except for when I get my statement in the mail..........then I won't be smiling. But, I did get some christmas gifts!!
I did go back last Friday, and he took more x-rays, and my lungs are better. I'm still wheezing some...and coughing, but the doctor said the cough could hang on as long as 5 or 6 weeks!!
So, go get those shots, people!