Hi James,
I am sorry that you are going through the trama of dealing with facial weakness/paralysis. Many of us here totally understand and sympathise. You are young though (i am 39), so I can imagine that must make it that much harder. Hopefully, you will heal fast and be past this in no time really (even if it does not feel that at the moment). It sounds like you are already having progress in the first few months, many of us had nothing for many months, so I think that is a good sign.
You can't make time pass any faster, or speed up the healing... all you can do is be strong, patient, and stay positive. Keep busy and don't look in the mirror too much. Give it time.
Whether you see any changes or not, the healing is happening. I know of what i speak because i had horrible double vision for about 4 months... no signs of improvement, even at 3 month doctor visit. Then close to month four i noticed that when i looked down at my daughter in my arms, she had only 2 eyes! Everything was still totally messed when i looked straight ahead, or to the right, or up, but i finally had a sign that it was getting better. It took another month or so before I had perfect vision again (YAY!!!!!), and now i just look on back on those 4-5 months (i had to wear an eye patch, couldn't drive..) and i think, it sucked, but i made it and it's over. Life moves on. The rest of my face is recovering SLOWLY... but i know from all of those on this site to be patient and be thankful for the little improvements.
Try to not to dwell too much on the bad parts. You will look back on this before you know and give yourself a pat on the back for getting through it. It sounds like you came through pretty good overall, so focus on the things that went right.
You will get there.
Trish in Toronto Canada