First, I want to thank all of you, every single one of you, who has responded to me. From the first frantic and desperate post to the ones where we were discussing nitty/gritty details ad nauseum (those of you who were PMing with me and ready choke me, LOL!) I will "pass it forward" and try to help those newbies that find this forum frightened and confused. My journey is FAR from over, but at least this one hurdle I've passed. The decision of what to do and where to go.
I'm going to Stanford to have my procedure done by Cyberknife with Dr. Chang and his team. Hopefully early January sometime. I'll know more in a few weeks. My decision is based on his experience and his studies. Plus, there is a comfort level with so many people on this board having had positive experiences with him and all the recommendations. I know that there have been a couple of failures and not everyone has been happy, but this is my GUT feeling. Everyone said I would have one and this is mine.
I do have to say, in all honesty, that the 5 vs. 3 fractionated treatments has been a stickler for me, as many of you know. And I bet you, that down the road, we will see that 5 is better and that there will be studies that support that. But for now, since I'm half way between MA and CA, my gut is leading me to Dr. Chang. Thank you all for helping me come to this decision. What a relief. Now, if things don't go exactly as I pray they will, I will not let myself look back and think "what if". I have to hang on to feeling that I made the best decision with the information I had with my specific symptoms.