Hi All,
Just thought I'd post an update as I don't get here too often lately. At 4 1/2 months post-op I am still seeing improvements. I hardly have any "bad days" anymore, and even when I do, they aren't nearly as bad as they used to be. The most I seem to notice still is when I am very tired, I have a bit of wonky headedness, but that gets less and less, too (I think it's probably a combination of it getting less and maybe I just work through it and don't pay much attention to it anymore).
The hearing in my AN ear is better, although not as good as before surgery. I still get a bit off balanced at times, like today when I was taking down the Christmas tree and trying to squish down the branches to put away in the box and I was bent over and moving at the same time. I am able to do the Wii Fit more often for longer periods of time now without my head feeling weird for a while afterwards which is good, because I really think that is helping the balance.
I have my 5 month post-op appointment in a few weeks and they will do another hearing test I believe. Have no idea what else will go on. Trying to think of my questions and write them down when I think of them so I don't forget anything.
I've found that I am getting more and more back to my normal life. I've even been spending time doing some consulting work on the side.(
www.katemariephotography.com and
It's been wonderful having 2 weeks off during the holidays, which I think has helped a lot with the fatigue.
Back to work on Monday. Actually looking forward to it!
Hope everyone has a great 2009. I'm determined that I will.