This is my story as briefly as I can do it"
I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago with 9mm rt side an. After checking my options, I decided to have GK. I did not do enough investigation. I had the GK in Oct, 2003. Then the "fun" began. I had digestive issues so bad I couldn't leave the house. Fatigue so bad I couldn't do anything but lay on the sofa. I consulted a nutritionist and got those issues resolved to at least be able to participate in life. I cannot get any doctor to admit that these two things are somehow connected. They just call it IBS.
My main symptom is out of balance. My hearing is perfect. The GK did not work because I was told that it might not be an an, but a menengioma and that radiation never worked on that type of tumor. The tumor has not grown, but the balance problems are worse. From 15 to 20 times per hour, my brain has some sort of episode. It can be vertigo, earth quake or the sensation that a wave is washing over me. It makes it really difficult to do much and the fatique is overwhelming.
Here's some of the things I tried:
Nutritionist, acupuncture, therapy, anti-depressants, balance clinic with physical therapist, deep tissue massage and I've been to my pcp, 3 ENT's, and a neurosurgeon.
Dr Jho feels he can preserve my hearing, but because of the radiation, he can't promise anything because I could be suffering side effects of the GK. My deductive reasoning is the main symtom before was balance, so could it just be the tumor? A little tail from the tumor hangs down into my auditory canal, thus the bad balance problems. I have researched myself into a coma (almost) and I'm still not sure I'm doing the right thing. After the blunder with the GK not working, I'm skiddish. I, too, checked with SBI, but the cost was prohibitive. I did know about Dr. Field, but he did his training with Dr. Jho. Dr. Jho keeps coming up as a pioneer in this field, but I can't seem to find anyone who has had surgery with him. The credentials are certainly there. I really would like my life back, yet I am fearful that I will come out worse.
Anyone who would like to share their thoughts, please feel free. I did go to the ANA support group here and that's how I figured out that the GK didn't work. Any thoughts? Any patients of Dr. Jho's?