Author Topic: I'm having a pity party/meltdown  (Read 10754 times)


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Re: I'm having a pity party/meltdown
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2009, 10:06:32 am »
Now I know I'm not nuts......this is normal....I'm 4 years out from CK.....thanks for sharing......I forget to use this forum for support and understanding.....get depressed...try to hide it from family and friends....lose patience....become irritable.....tears flow.....sick at my stomach etc. I am a widow....thus live alone....and try to be the "merry widow".......but hide out a lot in my home it seems and I withdraw from gatherings that I normally would enjoy......"fake it till you make it" works sometimes but not always. Most of the time I am positive....accepting of this AN thing....taking steps to make life better/ activities.....then out of the blue.....fear/frustration steps in and I meltdown big time. I can get back up to speed within a reasonable time. After reading others who meltdown too.....guess I'm not to far from normal. Thanks all for your input
