Author Topic: Pre-op Testing Done!  (Read 1361 times)


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Pre-op Testing Done!
« on: January 21, 2009, 08:16:12 am »
Went into NYU yesterday for my pre-op.  What a long day!  Left at 6:30 am for my 9:00 MRI and right after that  to meet with Dr. Golfinos, neurosurgeon, he went over my films and did see some more growth.  Gave me the worst case scenarios and off I went to my pre-surgical testing.  I got half way thru and had to leave to see Dr. Roland who I had some questions for prior to the surgery.  I requested that he take the fat from my left thigh because last time, they tried to take fat from my stomach with no avail and gave me two incisions instead of one.  Also wanted to make sure that I was on some good pain management medicine after surgery.  He told me that he believes the surgery will be approx. 4 hours.  After Roland, I have to head back downstairs to finish the pre-adm and meet with the ENT resident.  Almost done, one more stop the internist/cardiologist to clear me.  I'm "cleared".  Now I have to kick this cold to the curb and I'm on my way.

  I'm the first case have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am for my 7:30 surgery. GEEZ!!!! I feel asleep on the way home from NY with my mouth wide open - I was tired.

I must admit I'm a very anxious person so my ecg was 130 bpm so my cardiologist gave me a beta blocker to take leading up to the surgery to lower my pulse. OK will do if it works for me ( :

4.5 days left.....

5/01  1.3 AN removed at NYU using Retrosig. Approach
2/07  Rediagnosed with Regrowth 8 mm (wait & watch mode)
1/09  1.4 AN removed at NYU using Translab (total tumor removal)


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Re: Pre-op Testing Done!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 10:02:48 am »

I remember my pre-op day being a long one too!  They actually gave me a written schedule of where I needed to be and when, and figured in lunch and everything.  It was nice getting everything over with in one day though instead of having to make multiple trips.  And as I recall, I had a cold then too!  Fortunately, it went away in time.  I hope yours does too.

Sounds like everything is all ready to go and you'll soon be able to put this behind you.  Try to do something nice for yourself in the next few days - you deserve it!

Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.


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Re: Pre-op Testing Done!
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2009, 10:51:56 am »
Visiting with family after my pre-op really helped relax me. When I went in to the holding room prior to surgery a pastor friend of mine was right in the next area. He was in for another surgery altogether and I can remember him saying "is that you Johnny?". Right when I thought to be the most nervous God sent me a friend. One step is done (pre-op) and before you know it will be next week and all that pre-op stress will be gone. Keep us updated!!!
Diagnosed 6/08 - 2.5 cm Left AN
9.5hr surgery 10/7/08 w/Dr. Chandler and Dr. Green Baptist Hospital - Jax, Fl
Post Op Complications - Additional Surgeries 10/12 & 10/13
SSD on Left
7 months later I feel great!!!