Hey, Zeek!
Thanks for checking in with your positive progress report. I'm pleased to learn that you're doing so well in your recovery because it wasn't always this way for you, as I recall.
Although I live in New England - where we get plenty of cold and snow - I'm not jealous of your Caribbean cruise. You deserved a vacation and it probably helped your healing. Oh, I'd
like to get away to a warm climate for awhile, but I've done that before. It does break up the winter but having seen over 60 winters, they don't really depress me all that much. Time flies and I like looking forward to spring, which is always a bit of a surprise when it arrives, because after six months of dealing with cold, snow, ice and needing heavy clothes, it seems passing strange to see the grass and trees turning green again with the sun feeling warm on your skin as you realize you only need some light clothes, now. Come spring, my spirits soar like a kid out of school for the summer, even at this stage of my life. I hold on to those thoughts during the winter months and they help make it quite bearable. Not that I wouldn't
like to be in the Caribbean !
I'm sorry to learn that your hand has not recovered fully as yet but like you, I trust that it will, in time. I concur with the inestimable
Wendy that although our having hearing in only one ear does make us somewhat vulnerable, it serves no real purpose to worry about losing the hearing in that ear for whatever reason. Naturally, we protect the 'good' ear as much as possible. We're certainly not blind to the possibility of losing 100% of our hearing - but we don't obsess over that rather remote possibility. Well, I don't. I hope you won't, either. As I see it, that isn't being 'blind', it's simply being practical and using common sense.
Thanks again for the upbeat message on your recovery and your encouragement to those just beginning the 'AN Journey' - that there really is 'a light at the end of the AN tunnel'. It may or may not come from the Caribbean sun shining on you in mid-winter - but it shines all the same.