Hi Vivian,
I think we have "hijacked" this thread, so it would be great if you wanted to start your own.
But anyway, to answer your questions:
There aren't only horror stories about surgery - there are very good outcomes out there too. Having a very skilled surgeon is of outmost importance.
Normally in Canada the doctors will not advise you to do anything, until you have confirmed that the AN is growing. This means that you will probably be on watch and wait for at least 6 months, until you get another MRI.
There is another forumite "KeepingUp", also from Toronto, with similarly sized AN and diagnosed relatively recently - you may want to look up her posts. I am not from Toronto, but from Kingston, but I received treatment in Toronto.
There are quite a few good neurosurgeons in Toronto, at Sunnybrook and Toronto Western. Also there is a good GK centre, also at Toronto Western. So you have access to good doctors.
Radiation is not only for non-surgical candidates. Yes, it is true that it does not remove the tumour, rather arrests its growth by killing the cells and in some cases there may be some shrinkage. It is generally accepted that radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery to be more accurate) can be used for tumours up to 2.5-3 cms in size, unless there are other issues like brain stem compression etc. The choice of treatment is a personal matter and with an AN of your size you have all the options available - what you need to do is a lot of research and consult as much as possible, so that you will arrive at the decision you feel most confortable with. There is a wealth of information in this forum, so it is a good place to start your research.